
Chaplain FAQ


Just exactly what is a chaplain? 

A chaplain will listen, bear witness and seek to understand what your concern is.   We are not psychotherapists.  Our purpose is not to solve your problems.  We do not do talk therapy.  We engage in the questions of meaning and purpose.

So why would you want to talk to a chaplain?

Chaplains have been defined as persons called by God to minister to peoples’ spiritual needs. “Minister to peoples’ spiritual needs.” What does that mean? I’d like to share from a book I have which is titled, “What is Spiritual Freedom?”

“The people who look hardest for truth are those who are brought to the edge of despair. The rest of the people don’t need truth. They have health. They have microwave ovens. They have a new car. They have all the conveniences that life can give. What do they need God for?”

“People... who are brought to the edge of despair.” Think about the people for whom chaplains are often called – people in hospitals, hospice, prisons or living on the street. People facing grief, hopelessness and death. Sounds like the edge of despair to me.

These are people who are suffering, and are in search of new meaning as a way of trying to cope. For some, this is a time when the heart opens to God. The role of chaplain is to listen and to be an anchor for those who find themselves suffering in a sea of despair.

What good can a chaplain do if they can't solve my problem?

In my personal faith, the conversation between Soul and God is only between Soul and God. It is in the listening that people know that they have been heard and can sometimes begin their own conversation with God, which is best found in the quiet of one's own heart.

Where does religion fit in here? 

The search for meaning and purpose is the mystery that religions deal with.  It is my intent to meet you on the spiritual grounds you know and find comfort in, whether you follow a specific faith tradition, take from a variety of teachings, are agnostic or atheist.  As a spiritual counselor, I am not there to preach to anyone.

Do we have to pray? 

Many who practice a faith tradition see prayer as their way to begin their conversation with God.  I am available to pray with you, if that gives you comfort and solace.  Prayer certainly isn't required.

How do we do this?

Meetings can be done in person, on Zoom or over a phone call.  Reach out to me with the contact tool below for a free 30 minute chat, which will allow us to know each other well enough to see if we want to take this further.

I charge $75/hour for my time.